10 ways to win the better building projects

Do you aspire to win bigger, more profitable building contracts? Perhaps you want to position your building firm to work on more upmarket projects? There are lots of small steps you can take which will increase your chances of winning the most desirable projects. In this article, we list ten things you can do, starting today.

1.      Show confidence

Creating the right impression is the first step in the sales process. Homeowners will be looking for a confident and reputable business person to trust with their home and life savings. It’s important to have faith in your own skills because it’s your job to convince the homeowner that you’re worthy of their money - and that you can add value to their property.

2.      Look and sound professional

How you come across is paramount to winning the contract. Treat any meetings with the potential client as a job interview. Present yourself smartly, wearing smart-casual clothing rather than site gear. Ensure you communicate in a professional manner, both face-to-face and in any written communications. It might sound obvious but small details matter.

3.      Be punctual

Demonstrate from the outset that you can deliver on time. That means appearing for meetings at the agreed time and responding to emails promptly. Homeowners are more likely to employ a builder with good time management skills.  

Show the homeowner the value of the skills you bring to the project

4.      Show your expertise

The initial meeting is an opportunity to bring your expertise to the table. Show the potential client the value you can add to the project. For example, make useful suggestions about the layout or design or choice of materials. Demonstrate your experience and respond to their questions thoughtfully.

5.      Do a detailed quote and get it to the homeowner quickly

Returning the quote quickly is a way of showing the client that you’re on top of things. If you can produce the quote in good time, it follows that you’re more likely to keep the building work on schedule. What’s inside the quote matters too. Homeowners are looking for detail.

Using estimating software, you’ll be able to quote more quickly whilst providing a level of detail that will satisfy the homeowner of its accuracy. EstimatorXpress or Take-off & Estimate Kit are great software tools for producing quality quotations, quickly.

A professional-looking, itemised quotation helps justify the costs to the potential client. You may choose to tell the customer that the quote was produced using estimating software designed for the building trade, once again emphasising your professional and methodical approach.

6.      Share a copy of your insurance details and relevant qualifications

Showing the homeowner a copy of your insurance details will reassure them that you do things properly. Highlighting relevant qualifications will also help to differentiate your business from the cowboy builders. Each of these steps helps to emphasis your professionalism and trustworthiness.  

7.      Follow up the quote

Don’t be complacent. When you hand the quote to the client, agree a time to call and discuss any questions they may have once they’ve read through and absorbed the document. This will provide an opportunity to identify and address any of the homeowner’s queries or concerns.

A website is a key way of marketing your building firm

8.      Use your website

In 2022, having a company website definitely falls into the “essential” category. Your website is an opportunity to show off your pedigree. Include case studies, testimonials, galleries of before and after shots. You may need to go back to previous customers and ask for their input but it’s worth putting in the leg-work. Think about how you can make your business stand out from the rest. Perhaps you could use eye-catching 3D models of the projects you’ve worked on - or time-lapse videos of the construction process.

9.      Use a proper business email address

Also on the essentials list is a business domain name that you use for your emails as well as your website. For example, your company emails should come from Bob@JonesDesignandBuild.co.uk rather than a @hotmail.co.uk or @gmail.com account. Having a business email address gives you a much more professional profile.

10.  Maintain a good credit rating

It goes without saying that prospective clients will be looking for a reputable business with a sound financial history. You must keep on top of your credit rating as all sensible homeowners will do the relevant checks.

What next?

How you come across is crucial to winning or losing out on the project. Implementing the ten measures we’ve discussed will ensure you successfully catch the attention of the best clients. To keep them on board, you need to demonstrate the professionalism of your business at every stage.

Don’t underestimate the value of a smart and detailed quotation. Quotes produced automatically by EstimatorXpress or Take-off & Estimate Kit can help you win the higher margin jobs – not only because they look professional but because they demonstrate to the client why the job costs what it does.

Start your free trial today:


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