Choosing an estimating service: Build Aviator or HBXL Estimating Service

If you’ve looked into construction estimating software and decided it’s not the right option for you at this point, you may be considering using an estimating service instead. Outsourcing your estimating to an estimating service means trusting another business with your reputation - and potentially your profits. You may have looked around at the different estimating services and wondered what sets them apart. In this article, we shine a spotlight on two well-known estimating services– Build Aviator and HBXL Estimating Service.

Many building firm owners elect to use an estimating service so that they can focus on other tasks. The benefits are clear. If you choose the right service, you’ll be rewarded with a detailed, accurate estimate of the project costs and a professional quotation for your client – with very little effort on your part. Perhaps you want to handover the estimating of a particularly tricky job; you may want help catching up on a backlog of quotes; or maybe you’re looking to outsource all of your estimating. In any case, an estimating service could be the solution for you.

However, you may understandably have some concerns. How do you know the estimators will do a good job? Will they understand the particulars of the job? Will the costs be right?

Of course, it’s important to do your research and this article should help you on your way. We’re going to look at two estimating services and see how they compare in terms of services, options and support. Both Build Aviator and HBXL Estimating Service are UK-based and use UK estimators.

Build Aviator

Build Aviator is part of the Saint Gobain Group, a multi-national corporation concerned with the manufacturing of construction products. They own Jewson, Gibbs & Dandy and JP Corey. Saint Gobain acquired the estimating software company Easy Price Pro and Build Aviator was launched in 2017. Easy Price Pro software is no longer available to purchase and is no longer supported. Build Aviator’s estimating service has both an online and in-store presence.

HBXL Estimating Service

HBXL Estimating Service is a family-run business launched in 2012 by a builder and developer. The service is the sister company of HBXL Building Software who develop market-leading construction software for the UK building market. HBXL invest heavily in software development, evident in the numerous awards they’ve received over the years. The service uses HBXL’s flagship estimating software, EstimatorXpress. They only offer an online service.

What to look for

Ensure you choose a service which guarantees you’ll have a dedicated estimator from start to finish. Expect to receive a detailed breakdown of the costs, including material quantities and costs based on the latest material prices. You should also receive an estimate of the labour and plant requirements plus a written quotation for your customer. HBXL Estimating Service and Build Aviator both provide all of these.

It's unclear from the Build Aviator website what other documents they provide apart from a Schedule of Works. The HBXL Estimating Service lists what’s included in your “Estimate Pack” on their website. The Estimate Pack includes a range of management documents such as:

  • a suggested Build Programme (Gantt chart)

  • detailed cost reports - organised by build phase and by resource type

  • detailed material, labour and plant schedules - organised by build phase and by resource type

  • a quotation in Microsoft Word format, which can be edited

  • a schedule of estimate assumptions - so you know exactly what has and hasn’t been included in your estimate.

You can see samples on their website here.

Software compatibility

If you use the HBXL Estimating Service and already have EstimatorXpress, you’ll be able to drop the estimate file into your software to review – and update over time if required. Unfortunately, as Easy Price Pro is no longer being developed, this isn’t possible for Build Aviator customers.

How much does the service cost?

As Build Aviator don’t publish their prices on their website, it’s impossible to do a like-for-like comparison. However, HBXL Estimating Service has a very clear price structure. Providing you’re able to provide building regulation drawings, estimates start at £249+VAT for a 25m2 extension or £299+VAT for a 100m2 new build. You can also take advantage of a 20% discount on your first job with HBXL Estimating Service.


Build Aviator offers a rapid service, which may incur an additional fee, to complete your estimate in 48 hours. They say you can usually expect your estimate to be returned within 5 to 7 working days.   

HBXL Estimating Service aims to provide a 3 to 4 day turn-around on smaller jobs, with larger jobs requiring slightly longer. They will do a quick assessment of your plans and let you know the lead time before going ahead. They make it clear that accurate estimates require time and close attention from a dedicate estimator and they also state that they hit 100% of their delivery deadlines. It’s worth noting, that HBXL can also offer ‘light touch’ benchmark estimates but these are only appropriate in certain circumstances.

Where do the prices come from?

As Build Aviator is owned by Saint Gobain, you won’t be surprised to read that - as far as we can tell - the materials used in their estimates are restricted to Jewson, Gibbs & Dandy or JP Corey products, meaning they use buyable prices.

In contrast, the prices used by HBXL Estimating Service are independent; they aren’t tied to any particular builders’ merchant. They do a monthly check of the catalogues from a wide range of UK builders’ merchant to give you an accurate reflection of current market prices. They can also incorporate specific products that you want to include in the quote.

Other services

If you’re looking to have plans drawn up, HBXL and Build Aviator offer this service too. In addition, HBXL can produce health and safety and contract documents for your job.

What now?

Take some time reflecting on your priorities. If a quick estimate with Jewson/Saint Gobain prices is what you’re looking for, Build Aviator may be the best choice for you. On their website, they claim to provide “quick, accurate and reliable estimate using locally available products”. Of course, Build Aviator also has the backing of a large corporation. However, as the software they use is no longer on the market, it’s unclear whether Saint Gobain is investing in the ongoing development of their software.

If you’re more inclined to work with an independent service that will assign a dedicated estimator to your project, then the HBXL Estimating Service may be the right choice. You get the sense from their website that they take care with every estimate stating “Our estimators will read everything you provide and double check any details with you that aren’t clear from the architects notes.” HBXL is also keen to stress that they invest significantly in ongoing development of their estimating software EstimatorXpress. Upload your plans for a no-obligation quote of the fee and lead time to carry out your estimate here.

Now it’s over to you. Spending some time reading up on each service. Visit the HBXL Estimating Service and Build Aviator websites, get to know the company behind the service and then you can feel confident with your choice.


Growing your profits with estimating software


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